Thursday, June 9, 2016


This blog has been a long time in the making. I've started other blogs, I Tweet frequently, and I have lots of ideas but I've never been able to organize my thoughts enough to maintain a regular posting schedule. But I've been thinking about this one for a long time and I will make this one work.

About me: I am 41 and I'm just about getting ready to figure out what I want to do with my life. I have 3 kids and I work full time in a job I can almost tolerate. I am interested in health and weight loss and I like to crochet. I love TV. I really love wine. I enjoy finding clever tricks to save money or organize my life. All of my obligations and interests have created mayhem and I am wanting to repair this along with my husband and family. We want a more relaxed, comfortable existence. I know that's not very original, but everyone has a different way of finding that, right?

Since we live in a Pinterest society, I have realized I know some things that can be shared, so here we are. I'm hoping to post Monday - Friday most of the time, using a schedule like this:

Money Monday:

I am a bit of a bargain hunter and I love to save money. I'm not a major couponer or anything, but I definitely use the coupons I get in the mail from my grocery store! I also want to include budgeting accountability, product reviews, and money-making ideas in this category. I'd like to address decluttering and living with less stuff, and my constant struggle to *not* purchase that thing I don't really need.

Transformation Tuesday:

Tuesdays will be about projects big and small. We have no shortage of projects around the house, and if I spend a few hours clearing out a corner I want to share. I may post about crochet projects I'm working on, or possibly show how I transform random ingredients into a meal. (That may be stretching the transformation idea too far. My blog, my rules!)

Wellness Wednesday:

I'm a Weight Watchers member and I love to go to my gym. I have a LOOOONG history of dieting and gaining, so I have a lot of interest in weight loss. Wednesdays will be my weight accountability day, as I attend my meetings on Tuesday night. I plan to reflect on the meeting topic, post weight loss or gain for the week, and report on my gym visits for the past week. I may do diet book reviews, try out gadgets, that sort of thing, but this won't just be about weight loss. I'll discuss general health topics or whatever interests me at any given time!

Thoughtful Thursday:

This is my open-ended category. I may just make lists or write out goals or plans, or go on a rant about whatever is bugging me.

and finally...Family Friday:

Fridays will be devoted to some aspect of family life. I may devote a post to one of the kids, post cute pet pics, share a project someone in the family is working on. You know, family stuff.


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