Thursday, June 16, 2016

Thoughtful Thursday

Ah, Thoughtful Thursday. A nice way of saying I have no idea what to write about on Thursdays! So today I will share with you words, phrases, and pronunciations that annoy the heck out of me, usually for no good reason. 

  • Soda Pop
  • Pizza Pie
  • Supposably
  • Hot Cocoa
  • Moist (I know I'm far from alone on this one)
  • Data pronounced like "datta," not "date-a"
  • Nuclear pronounced "Nucular"
  • Collegial pronounced with a hard g. I believe there is quite the debate among academics about the proper pronunciation, but the hard g is just too much for me.
  • Especially, Espresso pronounced "Expecially," "Expresso"
  • When writers include (..., anyone?) in every article instead of coming up with a new way to elaborate on something. For example, "Summer is the best! (Free sun, anyone?)"
  • "I seen."

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